Monday, November 8, 2010

Starbucks Investor Relations

On the Starbuck's website, if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, there is a tab for investor relations.

The investor relations page is very informative. It has an overview of what the company "is all about" as well as some specific stock information about how the company is doing on the market that day.

What I thought was very interesting was the fact that investors can listen to the Q4 2010 Starbuck's Conference Call right from this page. It is a recording of all of the 4th Quarter information about the company. Also included on this page are past annual reports and proxy statements. On the side of the page there is a box with links to other IR pages that may be of interest to investors such as the board of directors, analyst coverage, annual reports, financial highlights and rumor response.

I thought that the company's IR page did a good job of informing investors about what is going on with the company financially. All of the information is either presented on the IR Overview page or within one click of the sidebar.

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